After an enforced break of over a year, the Repair Cafe will be returning to Heeley City Farm on Saturday 15th May. The demand to get things fixed has never gone away during the lockdowns, with many of our team taking part in our online Virtual Repair Cafes. However, after careful consideration, we have decided to re-instate our physical events, starting initially with a pilot date at Heeley.
We have been working together with our hosting venues to come up with a way of bringing back our in person events in a Covid safe way. This means things won’t be quite the same as they were, but the essence of what we do will remain unchanged. The main differences will be most of the event will take place outdoors, with strict 2 meter social distancing in place at all times. We will also be encouraging anyone attending to help us guard against the virus by taking a free Covid test before they come along, which anyone can now obtain free of charge from various local outlets and test centres (click here to see a map of where to get tested or get a home test kit in your area).
As always, you can bring anything to the Repair Cafe. However as an extra anti-Covid measure we will be asking you to wrap your items in a plastic bag or bin liner at least 72 hours before bringing them to us. This helps keep the surface of your item virus free.
We are still taking the threat of Coronavirus very seriously and we have a few extra rules we will be asking everyone to follow. You can find a copy of the rules at
The Repair Cafe on May 15th will also open to the public 30 minutes later than usual at 10:30. Last admissions of new items for repair will be 3pmĀ and all items must be collected by their owners by 4pm.